The Bright Future Fund is our opportunity to sow into kingdom advancement through above and beyond tithing gifts once a year.
At Bright City, it’s our honor to individually and collectively invest in what’s to come in our church. This includes new ministry opportunities, new staff, and building improvements + investments.
As a church, we will tithe 20% of the money raised in the Bright Future Fund to strategic ministry partners in Charlotte, Charleston and Togo, West Africa.
The future is bright because of Christ in you.
Bring Your
The Bright Future Fund multiplies our efforts to reach people with the gospel by sowing into the growth of our church and strategic ministry partners.
Choose A Giving Option
What Giving Option Should I Choose?
Giving is a faithful rhythm that changes the posture of our heart and aligns us to the truth that God is our Provider.
Your gift will support the everyday operations needed to serve our community and connect more people to Jesus.
Sow generously into the future of our church and into the efforts of our strategic ministry partners.
Your gift will support future expenses of our growing church and ministry partners - namely a church building by 2027, more staff, church plants, and ministries in Charlotte, Charleston and Togo, Africa.
*Give to the Bright Future Fund November 24 - December 31, 2024.